GFNY Ambassador Story – Valerie Williams

Meet the GFNY Ambassadors – GFNY Florida Sebring Marathon

We’re getting ready for  GFNY Florida Sebring Marathon on October 24, 2021!

While we are preparing for this race – which is the first marathon in our GFNY Endurance Sports Series – many of our ambassadors are in full preparation mode with us, so that they are in their best shape and are ready to Be A Pro for A Day by the time race day rolls around.

One of our GFNY Florida Sebring Marathon ambassadors is Valerie Williams. Read her journey to GFNY marathon below:

I decided to run GFNY Marathon Florida Sebring and become an ambassador, for several reasons. My husband got me hooked on the GFNY brand several years ago and I know that every event they host – it’s top notch.
When I found out that they were expanding their market to include running, I was convinced this was a marathon I’d be willing to lace up my shoes and commit to training for. On top of that, it’s a Boston Qualifier, flat and fast course! It’s been over 10 years since I’ve qualified for Boston and over 5 since I’ve run a marathon… so this will – no doubt – be an uphill battle. But, I’d love to end my marathon running career with a bang and get this one last BQ run in. I’m absolutely positive that the GFNY course + support will make this event one to PR/BQ on and definitely a race to remember!
– Valerie Williams
Plus: Check out the GFNY podcast Valerie was on by clicking the Apple Podcast button!
GFNY Marathon Florida Sebring ambassador Valerie is working hard and looking forward towards his marathon on October 24, 2021.
Register today and join Valerie at the starting line!

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